The Saint Bernard known as Old Lady had endured a long, challenging life in a puppy mill before finding rescue through Rough Start Rescue. It appeared that Old Lady’s fortunes were finally changing for the better when she was placed in a foster home.
However, what should have marked the beginning of a new, comfortable chapter in her life took an unexpected turn into a nightmare. Old Lady suddenly vanished into the frigid winter woods, putting her life at risk.
Old Lady was extremely skittish due to her traumatic past, and when she exited her foster parent’s car, an unforeseen fright caused her to bolt in fear. She disappeared into the woods, facing grim odds of surviv ing in the harsh cold. Adding to her vulnerability, Old Lady had recently been shaved and lacked a protective coat of fur against the icy winds and deep snow.
Despite exhaustive search efforts, several days passed without any success in locating Old Lady. Her intense fear kept her hidden and eluded any attempts at rescue. Even with a full coat of fur, surviving several days, let alone more than two weeks, in the wilderness seemed highly improbable. Hope of finding her alive was fading.
However, Old Lady displayed unexpected resilience. She refused to succumb to the cold and loneliness in the woods. Perhaps she instinctively knew that she deserved to be rescued and to spend the rest of her life in a loving home.
Against all odds, she persevered until, after 17 long days, the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a dog tethered in the woods.
Ruff Start Rescue shared with their Facebook followers that Old Lady had become entangled in her leash among the trees. She was deeply frightened, and her rescuers had to approach her cautiously. Eventually, they managed to free her from the tree and brought her back to safety.
Once reunited with Ruff Start Rescue, Old Lady spent some time recovering from her ordeal. Just a few days later, she was ready to return to her new foster mom.
Ruff Start Rescue joyfully announced this news on their Facebook page and emphasized their commitment to her safety, stating, “And yes… we have 2 leashes, 1 slip lead, harness, and martingale collar on her along with 2 handlers. We’re not taking any chances.”
They expressed gratitude to The Retrievers and everyone who contributed to bringing attention to Old Lady’s situation, acknowledging that exposure played a crucial role in her rescue.
Finally, Old Lady’s days of hardship were behind her. She could now relax in the warmth of her new home, safe and secure. She would spend the remainder of her life cherished and cared for.